Anyways, going outside today was like stepping into a sauna. A minute of being outside and sweat was dripping down my back and beading up on my face. So much for the shower I just took.
I don't think I could make it a week on the job
NTU has its own farms on campus. Kind of like a rice version of UIUC's morrow plots, that are seven times the size. So we got to pretend we were farmers complete with traditional hats. Though our scythes were smaller than I thought, we got to work harvesting the rice under the scorching sun.
Then we were off to a hat trick of lectures: Geology, Flora and Marine Biodiversity. I'm really excited to see the things I'm learning about in person. I don't think just writing that down can properly express how excited I am. So excited! So very excited!!
Later at night we traveled to a park inside the city. It's a bit strange to get off an elevated train, walk a couple of blocks, and arrive at a tropical forest. I guess it's similar to Central Park in NY. Except that the weather in Taiwan lends the Flora/Fauna to be much more diverse.
Taiwanese Green Tree Frog
Other animals we saw on our frog hunt include a baby daddy long legged Spider, a Formosan Toad (Bufo bankorensis), Olive Frogs (Rana adenopleura), Latouchti's Frogs (Rana latouchii), Indian Rice Frogs (Fejervarya limnocharis) and ummmm a snake.
I would count snails also, but all of the ones that I saw were smashed on trail. Poor slow things.
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